

I was nervous.

Parents had stepped out for couple for hours and I'd got that perfect freedom at home after a long time.

Within moments I'd made that call and he promised he'll be at my place soon.

It had been many many months and I had been longing for it.

I know I shouldn't have called in the first place.

Dad & mom were very much against it and I was feeling the guilt of betrayal.

Time was ticking away and he had not turned up as early as I expected him to be.

Nervousness was slowly turning into fear, as I thought what if dad & mom comes back home early!!

They obviously wouldn't like it, and how will I even gain their trust back, if I'm caught in act!? :(

I'd to choose, I'd come out of the dilemma.

As I slowly gathered up my courage, I heard,,

*Trring, Trring
Trring, Trring*

I was immensely happy and could feel my heart beating faster.

As I opened the door, there stood a delivery boy with my favorite Pizza.

Guilty or not,
Just love cheese-burst pizza,

(from the diaries of a fat-n-proud girl)

15 replies!!:

Vineeta said...

ck..loved this one...rofl

indu chhibber said...

you have penned a surprising twist in the tail....jeeteraho !

moonlite:D said...

Thanks dear :)

moonlite:D said...


Glad you liked it :) Thanks,

keep visiting my blog :)

Khushi said...

Fabulous.....unexpected twist....

moonlite:D said...

@Khushi -

Thanks for the comments, n happy that you liked it :)

Hope to see you around again :)

Lakshmi said...

Rofl.. :D
Loved it... First time on your blog.. Even though we have been fb friends for quite some time now.. :)

moonlite:D said...

@Lakshmi: Thanks dear,,

First time here, eh!! you better be regular here :D

Sangitha said...

u want my thoughts..?! well my laugh can echo my thoughts better.. hahahahahaha.. :D :D chanduuu loved the unexpected twist.. naughty girl.. :P

moonlite:D said...


:D I'm so happy that you really liked it :)

n, naughty,, kahe? you know how innocent I'm,, right!?

ek dirty joke batake prove karoon?

Sangitha said...

no re.. u r a cute, chweeet innocent angel.. :) *shakes head thinking abt the lies i have to tell to escape chandu's dirty joke* :P

moonlite:D said...

wowwieee.. thank you :) xoxo *batting eyelashes innocently*

Suruchi said...

Haha...I knew there was a twist coming...yet it made me smile :-)

moonlite:D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
moonlite:D said...

@Suruchi: Wowww, that's a compliment coming from right people..
You are someone who can create so much drama in ur posts, n yet if my post made you smile,, I'M HAPPY :) *geeeeee yippppettyy, zipppeetyyy zoooop*

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