

Your hot breath

Mélangé with my paced heart beats

Pure Ecstasy!!

Honesty/Loyalty is Innocence

Read it in a blog and I repeat it here!!

We talk about how blogging can be one activity in which you can vent out your pent up feelings without bothering how people are going to judge you...... but when it comes to facing the real situation of getting engaged/married, we start deleting the posts to cover the dark secrets of life.

We expect full honesty n faithfulness from our partners, but in deep corners of our own life - we still are running from the world.

Why people want to keep lying to themselves till it becomes too big to hide?

Yes, Have seen people doing exactly the same.... Why do (some) people pretend to be someone else (or what the others around them, want them to be), talk and behave in a way which is not themselves.. What for??
Or even why do people ever grow up so much, that they do not understand themselves?

I happened to meet a person, who said, with every boy friend, she realizes what she is and has a clear view what she wants in life???!! (Yes, thats exactly what she told and I was horrified with such comments, wel!!!, I'm not grown up to even react!!!)

From where did all the complications in life ever crept up? People easily change their relationships, with friends, with partners and other people around them.. And consider it to be "OK"... {Its more like saying "Men may come n men may go, but I go on forever}... [Lucky, at least parents cannot be changed]

- Abrupt end -

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